Thanks for downloading my 2 Duke levels, E1L1 & E2L2. Included in the zip, are the 2 levels, the authoring templates, 2 .pxc maps. Replacement .voc files and User.con available upon request. Add all files to Duke3d dir. Alpha1,, is pretty straight forward, as its my learning map. I went a little crazy with the next one, Its 20 k bigger than the largest Duke map. Its 270 k, using about 80% capacity of build. Being its so large, I'm sure there will be problems I missed. I do know that you need to stay away from the big fans.In spite of double blocking walls, and one of them a blocked masked wall, occassionaly, you can walk right through, and get trapped behind them. The subway is a little squirrely. I was in an underwater area, and got hit by the subway. I'm a Doomer, and always drew my wads extremely tight and packed. Maybe I got too close? To get you started on the second level, the only way in is through a vent. Hope you enjoy. The 2 .pcx maps might help. These levels are untested. Please send comments to: